House Calls
We make house calls for grandfather clocks
and permanently installed architectural clocks in the following
southern Fairfield County towns:
Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, Westport, Southport,
Fairfield, New Canaan, Wilton, Weston, Easton, and Ridgefield.
House calls outside our regular service area
may be considered.
Service and Routine Maintenance
All mechanaical clocks require regular maintenance
every four to five years to avoid wear and damage. Oils dry up after
five years. Imagine driving your car without any oil. To assure
longevity and reliability of your clock, please be sure to
schedule your clock to be serviced.
Restoration Work
Clockmaking is practiced much the way it was a hundred
years ago. We rely on the skills of many talented people to perform
the varied crafts required for proper antique clock restoration.
One of the most important advantages of dealing with an established
shop like The Clockery is the long time relationships we have cultivated
with some of the most talented craftspeople in the country. Some
of these specialties include:
- Dial retouching and painting
- Case repairs and refinishing
- Reverse glass painting
- Guilding and metal polishing
- Beveled and convex glass